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This file represents what I would like to be included, in more or less a chronological time.

Between brackets its the time in X. From 1 to 10: 1 short time, 10 lot of time.


  • 0.9.0 [released December 9th, 2001]

    • [100%] quit/rejoin the game (3)
    • [100%] scores (4)
    • [80%] use wfx's graphics in more dialogs
    • [100%] change the icon from the ballon to a real empanada
  • 0.9.1

    • [100%] updated documentation
  • 0.9.2

    • [100%] fix dialogs (status, gameover, etc)
  • 0.9.3

    • non-blocking sockets, or similar (3) . Apply Benoit Rousseau's patch
  • 0.9.4

    • a light-weight dice animation . show dice1.png -> dice2.png ... -> dice6.png simulating the roll ?
  • 0.9.5

    • [20%] Metaserver (5) . Use the same protocol of GGZ metaserver . perhpas in python ?
  • 0.9.6

    • New Score System . Implement a new score system . Document the new score system
  • 0.9.7

    • Plugin for the bots to improve their vocabulary . Eliza ?
  • 0.10.0

    • [100%] Add a CTF game option, based on an idea by Thomas R. Koll (7) . People only see threirs countries, and only see the enemy when they start the attack. If a player conquer the country with a flag, the player without the flag looses the game.
  • 0.11.0

    • Improve robots (5) . Rewrite the algorithm

    • [50%] finish the 'deals' support (5) . finish the work that was started

    • [100%] a new way to show the teg_dialog (5) .perhaps with 'teg_status_bar' on the left/right/top, or dont know.

    • a heavy-weight dice animation . use wfx's animation

  • 0.12.0

    • [100%] port from gtk2/gnome to gt3 only
  • 0.13.0

    • [? %] add a server test mode (single player only) where we can set all game data (to find bugs).
  • 0.13.1

    • Move the config from ~/.teg to ~/.config/teg
    • Change all sf entries
    • [60%] Remove the old Gnome-Help documentation and upoad a new one to GitHub.
    • [80%] Make a new default theme.
  • 0.14.0

    • save/resume the game (5)
    • add tools to view a game in fast forward and that
  • 1.0.0

    • Configurable map, with different scenarios. Eg: Rome, Europe, and current war conflicts (9)
    • Different rules for the game, eg: Risk rules, TEG rules, 1914 rules, etc, defined in a script language (python?) (8)

riq, wfx.